Petition to Remove Controversial Billboard

Aug 13th, 2020 | By | Category: Local
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altrighttv.comA petition on to remove a controversial sign in Harrison Arkansas faces a new hurdle.
On Monday, the land was transferred from the Harrison Sign Company to Robb Law Office.
Jason Robb, owner of Robb Law Office, is also the son of Knights Party National Director Thomas Robb.

The billboard, advertising for and has drawn critism from seemingly anti First Amendment activists, such as the Task Farce on Race Relations. One of the Task Farce volunteers (Elizabeth Darden) has gone so far as to say “it’s disgusting”. I’m sure she feels she and her type of anti constitutional friends should be the only one allowed a voice.

Kelsey Bardwell, the attorney that represents the Harrison Task Farce on Race Relations said the sign is “preventing businesses from wanting to invest here, preventing employees from wanting to come and work here,”

Acually the oppsite may be true. In speaking to several newer business and recent transplants to the Harrison area, all had a common theme…the demographics and low crime rate. This isn’t east St. Louis, and hopefully never will be.

As a reminder, three, yes three, of the BLM terrorist billboards were paid for to Carpetbaggin’ Crocketts company for 9 months of quarter time viewing. Crockett, wanting to do his part, increased the time to full time viewing at no cost. Need we remind everyone of the utter devastation Black Lives matter has caused in this country? How many billions of dollars in damage? If anything should “come down” it’s those billboards.

Just how much has the controversial billboard caused? ZERO…